he November 2024 issue of the Lansdowne Leader has been printed and is being distributed to households throughout the borough ahead of the November 5th General Election.
Starting October 2, mail-in ballots are being mailed to registered Pennsylvania voters who have requested to vote by mail. Drop-boxes are scheduled to be open to receive ballots on October 14, although the drop box located at the government center Read More
“If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?”
If a public meeting is held and no one from the public attends, how is the public heard? Your input is needed (required) on the Borough’s Facilities Plan and the time for your input is NOW in the early stages before any decisions are made.
Borough Council will hold a public meeting on March 29, 2023 at 7 pm in Borough Hall (in-person and on Zoom). Be there to listen, learn, and be heard on facilities’ decisions that could range up to $20 million.
The Winter 2023 issue of the Lansdowne Leader has been printed and is being distributed to households throughout the borough. With the introduction of this supplemental Winter issue, we are taking a different approach, focusing on communication: listening to you Read More
The November 2022 issue of the Lansdowne Leader has been printed and is being distributed to households throughout the borough. Be sure to check out this issue for profiles of all endorsed local candidates, voting information, updated polling places, as Read More